EP034 | Starting The New Year Out Right
We are in control of a lot of our destiny and can use this as a learning year too. Maybe 2020 was the year we all needed and we should be appreciative for the lessons it taught us and learning that pivoting and mindset can take us far.
I couldn't be more excited to take those lessons and apply them forward! I want to encourage you all, find some time to reflect and gain clarity on where you want to head and strategies that will support that direction.
Know that as a team, we are working on some exciting things that honestly would not have been possible had some things not been hard and caused us to pivot. Weekly I am sharing with you all on the START with Kristy Podcast, and I want to encourage each of you to give this a listen: Starting The New Year Out Right. It is short, motivating, and to the point.
This is your year! Embody that mindset and gain momentum. Let go of what is not serving you and step with faith daily.
We are cheering for you and stepping alongside you!
Kristy Gayton and STARTplanner Team