An Organized Teacher is a Good Teacher

It’s pretty insane how bad a rap teachers seem to get these days, especially considering just how much they do and go through to help provide kids with a quality education. Not only do they spend their workday dealing with rowdy kids (and a couple good ones), they also need to handle unruly parents, do battle in one of the most heated political workforces in the country, craft lesson plans, track supplies, grade homework and hold tutoring - and that’s just the day-to-day stuff.

Because there is so much on a teacher’s plate, it’s vital that she or he has some type of organizational effort in place. While it might be true that a handful of teachers can keep track of everything without a schedule in place, that’s the exception to the rule. Even teachers most people think have a cakewalk of a job (looking at you P.E. and art teachers) have a ton of stuff they need to keep track of and plan for.

When you bring special events or any out-of-the-norm activities into the fold, everything gets even more complicated. Permission slips need to be signed. Paperwork needs to be filed with the district. Field trips have to be planned and those locations need to be contacted.

For the most part, a trackable calendar of some sort is going to work wonders for all the daily tasks that a teacher goes through (and we obviously have the best selection of those around).

But, when it comes to those who want a better way to track issues specific to educators, our organizational inserts for teachers were crafted specifically to help you organize the important parts of your job and make your day a little bit easier.

Now, about that loud and vindictive teacher in the room next to yours - we don’t have anything ready but we’ll let you know as soon as we think of something.

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