Color coding your life!
Summer and a new school year on the horizon usually means hectic scheduling and all kinds of new things in life! How do you keep track of it all?! One simple way to keep track of all activities and schedules with all the different people in your life is by color coding. There are FOUR Easy steps to successfully color coding and get your life in order and ready to rock it out!
- Find pens and colors that you love!
- Establish what style of color coding works best for you! (See below some examples!)
- Stay consistant!

Here are some examples of different categories you may want to color code!
Different family members
School subjects
After school activities
Committees and sporting clubs
Meal Planning
Chores/House related tasks
Birthdays/Special Events
The ideas are endless!…
That's it! You are ready! Stay consistent and you will be amazed at how helpful color coding can be!
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