Color coding your life!

Summer and a new school year on the horizon usually means hectic scheduling and all kinds of new things in life! How do you keep track of it all?! One simple way to keep track of all activities and schedules with all the different people in your life is by color coding. There are FOUR Easy steps to successfully color coding and get your life in order and ready to rock it out!

  1. Find pens and colors that you love!
  2. Establish what style of color coding works best for you! (See below some examples!) 
  3. Stay consistant! 
In this method, each family member is assigned their own color so it is easy to see at a glance who has what going on at any specific time. 
One of my favorite ways to color code is by priority. A "must do” will be assigned one color,  another color for something that needs to be done but not necessarily today, and a third color for something that is on my list but can be fit in whenever I have some extra time. This is great because you can tell at a glance if you accomplished everything that was high priority each day and if you happened to cross off something in that third color, thats a huge bonus! Then you can move the remaining items to another day. 
In this method, different areas of your life are assigned a different color. For instance, Work=blue, Family time = Pink, Personal development=Orange. 

Here are some examples of different categories you may want to color code!

Different family members

School subjects

After school activities

Committees and sporting clubs

Meal Planning

Chores/House related tasks



Birthdays/Special Events




The ideas are endless!…

That's it! You are ready! Stay consistent and you will be amazed at how helpful color coding can be!

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