Decluttering Your Digital Life
It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day work that we do on our phones or laptops and before you know it, things are a mess! below are a few ideas that you can incorporate daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually to keep yourself organized, save time and keep your computer running at its peak.
• Close out tabs and running applications
• End of day email check- create to-do list from emails that need action steps from you.
• Run daily backup to the cloud
• Bookmark anything that you want to circle back to at a later time
• Delete old versions of files as new versions are created
• Empty the trash
• Clear out Downloads folder (delete or file into folders)
• Clean off your desktop (delete or file into folders)
• Install any new updates for programs/apps/plug-ins
• Delete any unused apps
• Wipe down keyboard & clean screen
• Organize photos (delete or file into folders)
• Review Bookmarks, clear out any that you no longer need
• Unfollow any accounts on social that no longer serve you
• Unsubscribe from any newsletters that are no longer interesting
• Run a clean-up program (i.e. CleanMyMac)
• Archive any files you no longer access but wish to keep
• Review and update social media profiles
• Clear out email folders
• Review Photos & Order "Year in Review" album
• Have your computer professionally cleaned
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