Does Your Closet Need Attention? 👚👗👖

Having a clean and organized space can create less stress and add in more productivity. This can go for any part of your home, but today we are talking closets. Trust us when we say that it feels amazing to let go of the items that no longer serve you.
Here are 5 tips to help you declutter and organize your closets for mental clarity! 
If you haven't worn something in a year it is time to say goodbye. You will be shocked by how many clothes or shoes you’ve forgotten about! This clears up so much space. 
I like to keep all my long clothes together like dresses, skirts, coats, etc. Then go onto pants, shirts, shorts, and so on. 
You don’t necessarily have to follow this rule but i like to follow the rainbow system within each length category. This makes everything easy to find and also just looks aesthetically pleasing! 
If you have shelves in your closet, it’s a great idea to get any kind of organization containers/dividers. I like to use clear ones with labels so I can visually see where everything is.
The last tip is having non slip hangers. You can get these almost anywhere. It makes your closet look cohesive and clean by having the same hangers for everything and the material will keep your clothes from falling off onto the floor. 
Here is a quick video with some tips from Kristy on how she just decluttered or closet and space! 
Here is a quick video with some tips from Kristy on how she just decluttered or closet and space!  
Just take the time and make it happen! Declutter space by space! You won't regret it! It will help you to START! 

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