Guest Blog Post: Trainer Lindsey

We recently ran a contest with Lindsey Mathews, (better known to many of you as Trainer Lindsey) and we absolutely fell in love with her zest for life and ability to balance her health, family and career - we were so inspired by her that we wanted to feature her here and introduce her to those of you who may not be familiar with her. 


Tell me a little about yourself and your business. Kids? What do you do and how have  you found your calling?

My name is Lindsey Mathews, or Trainer Lindsey on social media.  ;-)  I am a personal trainer, nutritionist, national figure competitor, spokesperson for IdealFit, wife and mom of three!  My life is crazy but I love every second of what I'm doing and I love all the hats I wear!

What is your planner of Choice? Hustle, Fancy Pants, or Legit and why? 

I love the Hustle!  I like the smaller size and that a full year is at your finger tips!


How important is organization when it comes to health and goal planning? 

Oh my gosh, organization is SO important!  I always tell clients, if you fail to plan you plan to fail!  I schedule in my workouts, my meal prep days, track my progress, track my macros and water and everything in my planner!  I love also being able to track work projects and family projects in the same place!  The Hustle planner is really a way I can keep everything together and I love it!


If you had one piece of advice to give someone who wants to get in a healthier body what would that be? 

Focus on your nutrition.  It all comes down to that!  Start by tracking your macros and calories.  Many times you're taking in way more food than you realize or you may not be eating enough!  It's a fine line you have to walk where you're eating enough to fuel your metabolism but not too much!  

Check out my FREE 15 Day Fit Body Challenge for fat burning workouts and meal plans to give you a kick start on your goals!

Also, watch those BLT's!  That stands for bites, licks, and tastes!  All the spoons you lick and candies you sneak really do add up and can keep you from seeing progress!


Do you indulge? (come on we all have to! ;) What is your “cheat” meal or sweet thing you occasionally have to have? You can’t leave this blank. :)

I LOVE cookies, brownies and ice cream!  My treat meal of choice would be a brookie (brownie and cookie combo, duh) topped with mocha ice cream!  YUM!!!


Learn more about Lindsey on her site:

1 comment

  • Tami

    Love #TrainerLindsey! Can’t wait to see what type of planner she creates. Love to see fitness and life planner in one place along with all her amazing recipes, workout exercise, meals, and tips.

    So happy to read this.

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