7 Years - Happy Birthday to START!

7 years. Of learning. Of growing. Of refining and continuing to have our hearts focus on one goal, which is providing you with tools, resources, and community that help you to START! 


7 years ago we had this dream. If you are new here, Jenny and I, from across the country, dreamed up a planner that combines and solves a lot of the modern-day struggles into one tool, which is now knowns as The STARTplanner System. With a heavy focus on finance and self-care alignment because both things are so important, and having them forward-focused and right in front of you is everything. 


We bootstrapped the startup with zero investors and funds. I often joke it was through a little Jesus and a little photoshop we started. Taking a picture of this church book staged next to a cup of coffee, we photoshopped on a cover and launched our first product for preorder.


Sitting here. I am so proud of what START is today. We now have courses, financial training, and other systems for being organized, and our STARTplanners are still a big core of what we do. I could not function without my planner! And we have much more on the horizon! 


I also know as the end consumer, you all have experienced growth and change and have had to adapt with us. With the downturn of the economy and COVID factors, we have had to pivot and make many choices. I truly believe all with intention, reasons, and focus, and in so many ways, I feel like we are just getting STARTed!!!  We also will be offering one Dated planner a year so that we can focus on other things as well! 


We started this venture from a garage floor! 


Then leased our first space. 


Then bought a space and renovated it! 


Now we are building a space!!! And we will continue to share the process with all of you! 


Although "home" has changed, the heart and the mission have stayed the same. And I know that my own life has been filled with valleys and lessons I know that is for this purpose too! Not just to help others START but maybe re-START. 

Entrepreneurship or life often looks like it is linear. But it is just not! And we are so grateful you have been here! 


Because part of planning is looking back and forward, I want you all to know what is coming! 


  1. We typically launch our annual planners in September. BUT, this year, We will be opening up a private link FOR 72 HOURS ONLY on June 7th for you to secure your planner for 2023, So save that date. 

  2. Why so soon? We will have Spiral AND casebound weekly and daily planners. We will also have the Daily Dated Planner in an A5 punched format and frankly, we are not ordering many of certain types. Having that one 72-hour window will allow you to secure your preference. We will then do the full normal launch in September as normal! 

We hear you all, and we appreciate you all taking the time to give feedback. Like every year, though, once they are gone, they are gone, and this year will be even more because of quantities and everything that is currently impacted. We will then launch again in September like normal so this will only be for our community. 

June - a FREE month of Zoom Calls and Content! EXCLUSIVE 2023 PLANNER PRE-LAUNCH for community only!!! Follow our emails and our social media to stay up to date on more details! This coming soon!

July - Intentionally Recharging! Giving you ways to be more productive "even when you're off"! 

August - Schools Back In Session with a month-long of content! Launching a course teaching how to organize files digitally & launch IN-PERSON workshops 

September- Launch of 2023 Planners

November - Releasing IN person workshops. 



  • H. C.

    This is a request! Due to several issues, I missed the pre-launch. I wasn’t even aware of it. Now I am afraid I am going to miss out on a casebound weekly 2023 planner, which is the only thing that keeps me straight throughout the year. When you didn’t have them and I had to switch for a year, and then go to the mid-year, I almost lost my way! I was so much less organized! Is there anyway that I can possibly order one before September 14th? Sincerely, H.

  • Hilary

    CONGRATS on 7 years… and here’s to many more! I’ve been a fan and loyal customer since the START (wink wink) and am grateful for the productivity and peace the STARTplanner system, STARTpreparing system and STARTbalancing book has brought to my life! Thank you for all you do!

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