How To Keep Track Of Your Work Out Results
While there are many people who thoroughly enjoy a good, sweaty workout, there are many more who don't like the thought of it. Because it's good for your overall health, it's important to intentionally move and workout throughout your week. Whether you're trying to lose weight, conquer a new sport or maintain a healthy workout regiment, it's a good idea to use a planner like the STARTplanner lineup to help you keep track of your workout results.
If you're trying to lose weight...
If you'd like to lose weight, workout tracking will be one of the best ways to get into the habit. If you're someone who hasn't been very active in a while, it can be hard to break that habit and start moving. Pull out the planner and go straight to your start date. Afterward, place your current weight next to that date. When it comes to weight loss, you've got to focus on the small wins first. Make a small weight loss goal for the week. It shouldn't be more than 1-2 pounds. Then, decide what your workouts will entail for you to get to that point. Don't forget that diet has a lot to do with the success of that goal as well. Keep doing this process consistently each week and you'll reach your goal.
If you're conquering a new challenge...
If you're maintaining a healthy workout regimen...
Keep the planner in a safe spot near your workout area. The safe spot could be your gym locker or the desk near your yoga mat. Just make sure it's close by so you can monitor your progress and keep track of how your body responds to exercise.

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