Making A Plan For the Week In Just 20 Minutes

Many experience a degree of dread or apprehension at the idea of making a plan. We are afraid of being unable to live up to our goals, that what we want to be and what we can be are for some reason things that exist separate from one another. We’re going to change that, and help you build a plan with minimal time investments to make it easier for those who think it takes hours to organize your entire life into a planner. It’s easy, really easy, just too many of us get lost in long term goals and don’t understand how to translate them into what we can do on the week to week.

The first step is reflection, look back at the last week and think of what you wish you accomplished or had time for that week, or perhaps on a wider scale look back to the last month, or even two weeks. You build your schedule, you figure out your time frame, but week to week is a nice jumping off point. Once you’ve taken the time to think of what you wish you got done last week, write these down, they’re the initial goals for what you are going to get done this week.


The second step is priorities. What do you want to change the most in your life? Are you going to start a diet and stick to it? Are you going to finish up your college degree? Or maybe pursue a promotion at work, or advance our home business to the next level. You should be in tune with your desires, take the time to write these down physically and order them in some way to see it all on paper. When we build our plans, we find ourselves pulled every which way by the various aspects of our life, but setting out one major aspect to stick to and accomplish development in will help you set out on goals that will feel the most important when you accomplish.

Once you have your priorities straightened out, you can set a simple 5-7 goals of things you want to get done in the following week. Keep it simple, keep it easy. You want to actually accomplish these goals and not give up. Of course they should be enough work that we feel like we got something done, but just remember that Rome was not built in a day.


We’re not going to get our entire life in order in a day, but we can certainly get ourselves moving in the right direction. Once you finish your first week, keep expanding your week to week goals until you can finally make it to your dreams, whether they be a size 7 or that fancy new office and promotion. Just remember, you can do it, and slipping up is okay so long as you don't break the habit of setting goals.

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