New Chapter, New Home on the Lake
Hi Friends!
If you don't know who I am. I am Kristy, one of the co-founders of STARTplanner. I am the dreamer, the visionary, finance nerd, love being productive, and seeking moments of freedom. Just like our planner, I have evolved and a lot of changes have occurred further refining me. I am still evolving, growing and learning and I want to create a space does a couple of things.
1. That helps you to get organized. I am very routined and systematic which breeds productivity. I want to show how to budget, time block, be productive and get more done!
2. I have a love for interior design, fashion
3. I also want to authentically say my mess is my message. I struggle with balance. I have walked in a story that I as taught and I had a point (actually multiple). I have walked through a lot of pain and even caused it. I also believe it is those hard moments have been the hardest thing I have ever walked and this journey has
I have not touched my personal blog in over 6 months which was what was used to launch this company. For the last 5 years, I have been running two newsletters, brands, blogs, and I am feeling the urge to dust off my blogging and start sharing my words again with each of you, along with resources.
I also and I decided to do it here. One newsletter, one blog. Simplicity. Sharing pieces of my heart and life. My mission is maybe in a piece of me you find a piece of you and it inspires you to keep stepping.
My story, just as you have one too, has been filled with a lot of learning and with deep valleys to walk and I do think for a reason. My blog I started back in 2008 lives here. There you can find years of designing, building, taking pictures, traveling, writing, living, and, dreaming. Every future has a past. All of it made me who I am the woman here today typing this. It doesn't get erased. The good memories I hold will always hold on too. Every page is a lesson learned for us all and those are all chapters of my life but it is time to fully turn a page.
Part of living fully I believe is not being complacent, and being open to change and to have the ability to evolve. A new chapter in a new home and fully embracing who I am and where my life has landed me. Not to abandon those past memories or blog or life but to be fully present in where I am now.
I am starting a NEW chapter. Just closed on a new home on the lake and we move next week, and I figured I would bring you guys along on the process. Share behind the scenes. I mean who doesn't love a good reno project? It will be a house we renovate, but I have a very particular approach to design because it has to function and be organized.

Ohh and you probably have seen a couple of posts from Trevor's and me regarding cooking. More of that is to come. We are renovating this house together! He is a realtor and has been doing renovations and flips for over 5 years. So our company will be doing the renovations, Johnstone and Co.
I needed a chapter to be silent. To grow and learn. To work on things(and me). There are times you work "on it", not "in it" and that is where I have been. But it is time to allow you guys to continue stepping alongside me. I know I am here with the skillsets and lessons and resources to help others continue taking steps in the direction of their truth and best self. My heart and goal is to help and inspire you along the way!
Here is a little peek into my day. This is The STARTplanner Quarterly.
Welcome to a new chapter.
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