GOALS!! Sometimes this word can be intimidating, you may hear it and think of goals you didn’t accomplish, or maybe you don’t feel super motivated right now and you might be afraid of failing. We ALL go through times in our lives like that! This planner was created with you guys in mind. We already have so much in our lives we have to think about and do and take care of, we wanted to take some of that stress off your shoulders, 'cause we have been there! Goal setting does NOT have to be intimidating or scary, it can be exciting! There is a method to creating a smart goal! At STARTplanner we are true believers in writing down your goals, AND your actions steps…how are you going to achieve that goal and what steps are you going to take to get there! Having it visually down on paper, and visualizing yourself finishing that particular goal is going to get you to where you want to be so much quicker!

Let’s talk about vision. I have read definitions of the word “vision” that include things like “concept,” “ability to perceive with eyes,” and “very beautiful thing.” Lovely, right? We have given you a big, beautiful page to create your own vision board, with very little instruction, and that is on purpose. Your vision board is very personal. It could be a visual representation of what it will look like when you have reached your goals. It could be a pretty picture of what motivates you. Maybe it is a photo of your dog. We left out the instructions because we can’t tell you how to do this. But whatever you create, make it yours and make it inspiring!
Break up the big picture into different areas and aspects in your life where you want to achieve goals this can help you organize your thoughts!
Don’t always think big! A goal doesn’t have to be this huge life changing goal. Start small! Your goals must be achievable for whatever stage of life you are in!
Let’s go a little deeper and talk about defining your goals for the year. Get yourself some blank paper and go to town. Start by jotting down the goals as they are in your head right now. Here is an example goal as a frame of reference as we move through goal setting together:
GOAL: Finish the Chicago marathon in under 4 hours.
Now ask yourself these questions about your goal and write them down:
Why is this goal important to me?
I promised myself I would run a marathon before I turned 40.
- Is my goal SMART?
Specific: Is it clearly defined? I don’t just want to run a marathon. I want to FINISH the Chicago marathon within a specific time allowance.
Measurable: Is the achievement of the goal quantifiable? If I finish in under 4 hours, I will have achieved my goal.
Attainable: Can I actually achieve this goal? Many people finish the Chicago marathon in under 4 hours, and there is no reason I can’t do it too. I am in good health and have been a runner for years.
Realistic: Based on actual time and resources, is this goal within my means? Based on my work schedule and social life, I can fit training into my evenings and weekends. I can pay my entry fee and have the money for the gear I will need.
Time-based: What is the deadline for my goal? I will complete my goal on the day of the race.
Who will keep me accountable and push me toward my goal when I need it?
Jenny will be my accountability partner.
We have also given you prompts for categories we feel are essential to living an organized, goal-driven, purposeful life. Starting with the words, “This year I am going to…,” consider your home life, relationships, spiritual life, physical health, finances, career, education, and travel. But remember, this is YOUR planner so if those categories don’t work for you, cross them out and make it your own!

Next we “Break It Down.” Lets get specific here…how am I going to make this all happen? Who is going to help me make it happen? What actions do I need to take so that I can celebrate my achieved goal? When we break down our example goal, we might have actions steps such as:
- Select training schedule
- Buy new running shoes
- Join local running club
- Register for race
Each of those steps rolls up to our bigger goal. They get us closer to our desired end result. And don’t forget to map out these action steps over on your daily or weekly planning pages so you can ensure you are completing each step by its due date.
Accountability!! This is important!! Have someone to hold you accountable in the different areas of your life. It does not have to be the same person for each goal! Pick someone who will push you to be your best and will cheer you on the entire time through the struggles and the victories!
Remember there is NO wrong way to set and achieve a goal! Go at your own pace and hustle through! We are cheering you on!
Grab one our Goal Trackers
HERE today to get a head start on setting your goals!!
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