For all of our spiral bound planner users we wanted to pass along a neat trick that one of our Facebook group users shared with us incase you might be having a little trouble with your back cover! Personally, we love and adore spiral planners. Being able to fold your planner in half is a huge win (insert Kristy saying, "Holla!")...and we just love the beauty of them, too!
As you continue to check off your to-do lists and cart your planner around with you, you might start to notice some gaps between the coils and the planner. If you are someone that keeps your planner in place or take really good care of your planner this may never be an issue at all!
But if you are like us and go 110 mph a lot and tend to show your planner some love, here is an easy way to secure your spiral bound planner or reattach your back cover if it is giving you any problems.
You can either reattach the cover and push down on each prong to lessen the gap or you can do this cool trick (watch video below). The latter is our preferred method as it is a more permanent fix and we thought a video was the best way to show and demonstrate this.
Threading it through!

What it looks like from the outside.

Here are a couple other things that we suggest in order to keep your planner in tip top shape throughout the year:
- ALWAYS close it from front to back.
- When traveling, take extra care by placing in bag or providing extra protection.
- Don’t stack heavy objects on or around spiral. It makes them not happy.
- Keep in cool and dry place…watch out for those coffee spills.
And remember to rock it out!!!! Woot!
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