Relocate Easier With a Moving Plan in Place



Ah, the excitement of moving to a new place can be so refreshing. There’s something wonderfully cathartic about wandering around a new neighborhood and finding new sights and sounds to experience (not to mention your new favorite restaurants), but that’s after the move itself. Even if you’ve hired movers to lug your furniture and packed boxes to your new place, there’s a lot on your plate when relocating.

Moving is one of those things in life that everyone eventually gets around to doing, but nobody really does it often enough to actually be good at it.

Because of that, it’s (super) easy to forget some basic and important steps to make your new home functional the moment you arrive, Sure, it’s easy to remember transferring your electricity and cable (with shows like The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones on the air), but other utilities and services like water and trash as well as mailed subscriptions and updating your address with your DMV, bank(s), lenders and mobile device providers often get neglected until reaching out to them becomes an emergency. That’s where a moving planner comes in.

Even sitting down to write out everything you need to do on a scratch piece of paper can get overwhelming and there’s still a chance you might forget something. Our moving planner comes with five pages of lists and space for notes so you don’t have to keep track of everything on your own. Even things like setting your moving budget and tracking donations has a place on this excellent resource.

Don’t let some seemingly small oversight on updating your gas bill leave you shivering in cold showers for a week, especially when our printable moving planner could’ve helped you have things ready as soon as you stepped through that new door for the first time.


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