Small gifts and Gratitude

November blows in with its cooler air and always makes me stop and pay attention. With a holiday like Thanksgiving, November begs us to give a little love to the things that have gone unappreciated throughout the year. In some ways, Thanksgiving is such a simple holiday. All we have to do is be together, eat together, and be thankful. How lovely is that? In my house, we go around the table and make everyone share at least one thing they are grateful for. If you don’t already, start this tradition this year. Or maybe keep a journal where, each year, your family and/or guests write down what they are thankful for (how about a Bestie for each year, or recording it in your planner?). What an amazing way to document how life changes over the years.


Maybe 2017 hasn’t been your year. Maybe you are looking forward to the start of 2018 as a fresh, new beginning. I get it. But I would encourage you to take some time - real, personal, quiet time - and write down some of the small gifts you received in 2017. No matter how bad a day or week or month or year, there are always these diamonds in the rough if you look for them. These are the things we must show our gratitude for.


In 2017, our STARTplanner team is thankful for.

  • Having a teenager who defies all “teenager” stereotypes and makes me proud every day.
  • The growth of STARTplanner, a job that I love, our incredible team and all our super supportive fans.
  • Being surrounded by friends and family who push me every day and don’t let me make excuses.

Can I have 4? I can't narrow it down?

  • Coffee. Is that shallow? I don’t care, I'm grateful for it EVERY day.

Oh, one more.

  • OUR NEW PUPPY! (I think his name will be Benson)


  • STARTplanner. From our online community to our thousands of planner-loving peeps to our internal Hustle Crew. Amazing! 
  • The opportunity to build Dickerson Hill and start creating memories there with my family and friends.
  • The incredible love and support I have received after the launch of Start Balancing.
  • My husbands happiness. In 2017 my husband graduated and accepted a new job in a new career. I am thankful he has found something he loves!


  • My family. They mean everything to me. After losing my brother this year I am even more grateful for every opportunity I have to spend with them.
  • Food. Y’all, I LOVE to eat! And I am so grateful for the means to be able to go to the store, cook dinner, or even go out to eat on occasion and not be concerned about where my next meal is coming from.
  • The constant love and support from my husband. This year has had a lot of ups and downs and I'm so grateful to have him by my side. 


  • A job that I love that inspires me every day. I look forward to the smiling faces of the brilliant ladies I get to work with.
  • A cozy house that I get to share with my three boys. It's not perfect but it's home.
  • Family and friends who are loyal and supportive beyond words. 


  • Supportive family and friends.
  • A job that I am passionate about.
  • The ability to continue dancing and pass on my love and knowledge of dance through teaching.



  • My family - I lost my sister 6 years ago to leukemia and you realize just how precious time is!!
  • The STARTplanner team!! These ladies just make my days!! 
  • The BEACH!! I love the sand, sun and ocean!!


We are sharing our gratitude with you and we encourage you to share yours with the people you love. May November bring you a time of the deepest thanks, love for the little things, and the lovely simplicity of Thanksgiving.

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